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செவ்வாய், 29 ஜூலை, 2014


For those who will be giving skill test for the first time

SECTION-1 (DOCUMENT VERIFICATION) duration: 1 hour to 1:30hour
1)Show your photo ID to invigilator- as Driving lic., Voter ID or PAN Card etc.
2)You will get two form- one is admit card containing your photo
Name: xxxxxxx
Father Name:- xxxxxxxxxxx
Roll No.: ------------------------
Test Name
Left hand Thumb impression
Sign. Of Invigilator
-The second form is a printout out which contain your address: paste your photo on this form also, sign it with date.
3)Your will get a notebook of 10page both side printed with yellow Cover- Write your Name, Test name : Steno Grade C&D, Date, Roll No. & Sign. It.
On assumption of number of page to be used for 800Word shorthand writing write below information as per your idea of page uses-
a)Put your Roll No. in Numeric as- 2201000353 and in word as Two, Two, Zero, One, Zero, Zero, Zero, Three, Five, Three and Date
b)At bottom of each page do your sign. With date
4)You will ask by your invigilator to show your below documents-
a)12th Mark Sheet ‘Original’
b)10th Certificate of Date of birth ‘Original’
c)Caste Certificate ‘Original’ if applicable
d)One Photocopy of each a,b,c attested by Gazetted Officer or self attested
e)Attestation Form, Completely filled, photo pasted 5x7cm, signed along with identity card certificate as per Performa signed & stamped by Gazetted officer or other authority as specified above form (all original with two set of photocopy)
f)Sign & give thumb impression to attendance sheet & 2other documents
Note : if in case, you left your attestation form or identity certificate without sign of authority or without photocopy of 3set, you have to fill a request form to submit these documents within 7days at the same venue.
5)You will get a identification sticker pasted on your shirt as below performa-
6)Get ready for the dictation test, be relaxed, go to washroom, take water, take a long breath and be completely free & relaxeeeeeeeeeeeed.
7)Now your batch is called for dictation, take all belongings certificates & other documents.
8)Go to specified hall for dictation test.
9)Place your beg outside the hall (as specified by Teacher) and take only your pencil/pen/dictation note book in hall.
SECTION-2 (MAIN DICTATION) duration: maximum 30 minutes
10)Sit at suitable bench as per your choice for test, be comfortable.
11)Ready for test-
12)You will Greetings by the Dictation Officer
a)One trial passage of 100 Word at a speed of 80 wpm will be read by dictator to check the comfortably with voice to all candidates.
b)One more trial passage of 100 Word at a speed of 80 wpm will be read by dictator at end you all will be asked if any changes required, if no issue the main test will began.
13)15 Second (the dictator will say only these two word “15 second” after 15 second he will read the main passage of 800 word at a speed of 80 wpm.
Two person at other side will also available at hall during this dictation test- one is for checking speed at 80 wpm and one is for sound ability.
There will be no punctuation mark read during test at comma, full stop, question mark, however a tone & pauses where applicable is performed, which has to recognized by candidates & suitable punctuation, articles, question mark, paragraph to be written by candidate.
……………………………………………….10 minutes over, passage complete.
14)Close your notebook, you will be directed to transcribe room, take your beg.
15)Put your beg outside transcribe room.
SECTION-3 (TRANSCRIBE) duration: maximum 1 hour to 1;30hour
16)Sit at PC as per your sticker sr. no.
17)Show your photo ID to officers if asked.
18)Sign on admit card
(the matter has to transcribe on a special type of SSC software, where a stop watch is already set for 50minutes for Grade D test transcribe, in this software-no copy paste possible, however you can use enter, backspace, delete, select-delete etc for correction in typed matter)
Type your roll number- press enter
19)Click on start test…………….(this is a 2 minutes trial test for checking keyboard & pc adequacy/ comfort ability)
20)Now click on [start actual test] …………………. Your time has started …1 second…2 sec……1minutes………2minutes….15….minutes…….50minutes…..stop..
21)On completion of 50minutes the software will stop, and you cannot edit anything now.
22)It is advisable that you should complete your passage within 30minutes and re-check & edit the matter in rest 20minutes.
23)Now click on print a printer dialog box appear, click on print.
24)Take your printout sign on each page with date
25)At last page write your Name, Roll Number & sign with date.
26)Write any two line of any where at last page blank space.
27)Affix your notebook at end of printout page & submit it to officer.
28)Your test has been completed, take your belonging & beg & leave the venue.
Best of Luck!